Information about intrauterine device (coil) insertion appointments

If you have made an appointment at one of our clinics for Intrauterine Contraception (IUC), also known as coil fitting or replacement, please read the information and watch the video below.

Video direct link -

Please note that there are now a variety of LNG-IUDs and Levosert, Mirena and Benilexa are licensed for 8 years for contraception.

Your 30 minute appointment allows us to assess whether fitting a coil/IUC is safe and appropriate. In nearly all cases and after a few questions we can fit the coil/IUC there and then, however on occasion we may not be able to fit it on the day and will make you anther appointment.

Things to remember when attending your coil/IUC appointment:

  • Insertion/fitting - if you are attending to have a new coil fitted it's important that there is no risk of pregnancy. Please avoid sex or use a method of contraception (not withdrawal) from your last period, or for at least three weeks prior to your appointment date.
  • Replacement - if you are attending to have your coil/IUC replaced, please do not have sex for the seven days before attending, in case we are not able to re-insert/fit a new one on that day.
  • Emergency contraceptive purposes - if you've been advised to consider a copper coil/IUD for emergency contraception, the clinician will assess you at your appointment to check it's still safe to go ahead. Please take emergency pills if you are offered them prior to this, in case you are unable to have the IUD.
  • Arrival - always arrive ten minutes before your appointment time. Coil/IUC appointments are very popular and our clinics are always very busy. If you are more than ten minutes late, we won’t have time to see you and you’ll have to rebook your appointment.
  • Pregnancy test –please ensure you will be able to provide a urine sample on the day for a pregnancy test prior to the procedure.
  • Childcare – We are unable to provide childcare facilities for IUD fitting. If you attend with a child we may have to rebook your appointment on another day.
  • Pain relief - although this is usually a brief procedure, some women find it uncomfortable and we recommend you take a mild painkiller, like paracetamol or ibuprofen, prior to attending your appointment. It’s also sensible to eat something prior to your appointment, as this will reduce the likelihood of you feeling faint or lightheaded.
  • Please bring a Sanitary towel with you, as you may experience some bleeding.
  • Infection risk - there is a small risk of pelvic infection in the few weeks after having an IUD / IUS fitted. We recommend STI screening prior to the procedure, even if you feel that your risk is low. This can be arranged via our online screening service SH:24.
  • Have someone available to travel home with you in case you feel a bit unsettled after the procedure.

Further information - Your IUD/IUS will be fitted by a trained and experienced doctor or nurse. If for any reason you can’t make your appointment, please cancel by text or by calling 0300 323 1300 so that we can free up your appointment for someone else.

Further guidance is also available at

Click here to find out more information on IUDs.

We look forward to seeing you at your appointment.

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