Contraception - Including IUD (Coil)

If there are no appointments available within axess, there is now a service from the CLPCN (Central Liverpool Primary Care Network)- for all Liverpool City patients.

To access the service you can self-refer on the phone by calling: 0151 295 9240.

Phone lines are open 11am-12pm and you can leave a voicemail if there is no answer. Voicemails are actioned within 24 hours.

Alternatively, you can complete the below form and EMAIL it back. This will also be actioned in 24 hours. To fill out the form, please DOWNLOAD and follow the instructions by clicking HERE.

To find out more about availability of LARC in Liverpool GP services click HERE

We're researching how many people would be interested in using an AI to help them with their sexual health queries.

Are you interested in using an AI system for sexual health support?

Thank you, your feedback is incredibly important to us.